Here is the Motionpoems treatment for Jessica Goodfellow’s “Crows, Reckoning”. It was realised by Chase Masterson and premiered at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis on may 21st. Crows Reckoning from Motionpoems on Vimeo. From the Motionpoems website: What is a motionpoem? It’s poetry for the movie-lover in you! A motionpoem is a short film…

Alloy – Jan Bottiglieri
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 82 pages 2015, ISBN: 978-1-936419-52-4 $15.95 + S&H Note: You don’t have to have a PayPal account in order to use the PayPal button, just a credit card. A butterfly casts the shadow of a man; a homesick mermaid cleans teeth; a young girl pushes a heavy iron, singing. In Alloy,…

What Snakes Want – Kita Shantiris
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 78 pages 2015, ISBN: 978-1-936419-51-7 $15.95 + S&H Note: You don’t have to have a PayPal account in order to use the PayPal button, just a credit card. What Snakes Want is also available on Kindle Slyly sexual, intense and funny, in What Snakes Want Kita Shantiris strips secrets of their…

Jessica Goodfellow author of Mendeleev’s Mandala has contributed a poem to the sixth season of Motionpoems The series’ premier screening is at the prestigious Walker Art Center in Minneapolis MN on May 21st. Motionpoems is an ongoing series featuring short film adaptations of contemporary poems. Series six features all women poets. Jessica’s poem “Crows, Reckoning”…

Mayapple Press and One Wet Shoe at AWP 2015 – Exhibition and reading details
Every year the book community gets together for the huge and important Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference. From the conference materials: The AWP Conference & Bookfair is an essential annual destination for writers, teachers, students, editors, and publishers. Each year more than 12,000 attendees join our community for four days of insightful dialogue,…