Under Foot – Stephen Lewandowski
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 80 pages 2014, ISBN: 978-1-936419-32-6 $15.95 + S&H Combine a life-long love of literature, an amateur (loving) interest in and study of Natural History and a professional career in soil conservation, and you will arrive at Under Foot, a book-length series of poems and essays by Stephen Lewandowski. Under Foot has…

Strange Life – Eleanor Lerman
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 86 pages 2014 ISBN: 978-1-936419-35-7 $15.95 & S+H About Eleanor Lerman’s “Strange Life” Perhaps it’s a little late in the game for the Woodstock Nation to be looking for signs that their spirit guides are still alive and casting dangerous spells. But in this new collection by acclaimed poet Eleanor Lerman,…

Mayapple Press author Nola Garrett to lead workshop and reading – Erie PA – Monday October 28th
Gannon University to Host Award-Winning Author Nola Garrett Gannon University’s English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta, will welcome award-winning author and poet Nola Garrett on Monday October 28th at The Knight Club, 162 W. Fourth St., beginning at 7 p.. Garrett will visit and present some of her original poetry and Gannon students will be…