Redirecting to Mayapple Press – “Written On Water: Writings About the Allegheny River” – Edited by Helen Ruggieri and Linda Underhill – (with bonus CD!) If you are not redirected after 5 seconds, please click the link above…

the hills around it lie humped under their blankets black-green forests stare at their faces in its mirror grey around the temples deep wrinkles between the ground down hills winter squats over them but water still flows under ice easternmost west-flowing river cuts the shale and slate weathers out trilobites dusty grey casts of what…

Because he saw the men of the world ploughing their fields, sowing the seed, trafficking, huckstering, buying and selling, and at the end winning nothing but bitterness, for this he was moved to pity To the figures bathing at the river Jizo appeared The sky was full of small fishes The bodies of the men…

As long as the moon shall rise As long as the rivers flow As long as the sun will shine As long as the grass shall grow The Senecas are an Indian tribe of the Iroquios nation Down an the New York Pennsylvania Line you’ll find their reservation After the US revolution, Cornplanter was a…

Written On Water – Bonus CD Lyrics
Here are the lyrics (where known) to the tracks from the bonus CD included with Written On Water: Writings About the Allegheny River Texts for items with asterisks (*) are included in the book already. 1. “Easternmost West-Flowing River” poem and music written and performed by Judith Kerman. 2. “Old Man Beaver’s Blessing Song” written…

Mayapple Press author David Lunde to sign books at his Alma Mater
David Lunde (Class of ’63) will be signing books as part of this year’s Knox College Homecoming activities. David is the author of two Mayapple Press books, Blues for Port City and Instead. He also contributed to Uncommon Places: Poems of the Fantastic. David will also have copies of his other books on hand to…

Eleanor Lerman, author of Janet Planet and The Blonde on the Train interviewed by Vincent T. Dacquino on his Let’s Talk Writing program. Mayapple Press will publish “Strange Life”, a new work by Eleanor Lerman, early in 2014.…