Poetry Daily chooses Kita Shantiris for their Poem of the Day
A poem from What Snakes Want by Kita Shantiris has been selected for Poetry Daily’s “Poem of the Day” feature. Poetry Daily plans to present “Making Sparks” on Saturday October 3rd. Read “Making Sparks” on Poetry Daily here (on and after Saturday October 3rd, 2015) You can read see reviews and another poem from the…

Sara Carson’s “Buick City” reviewed in Rain Taxi
Sarah Carson’s Buick City is reviewed in the Fall 2015 issue of Rain Taxi (Volume 20, Number 3, #79). Penny Guisinger writes: Sentences […] seem to careen recklessly around corners, but they are imbued with gravity, built to keep readers from being flung off the track. Each narrative swells to fill every small shred of…

The Kingdom Where No One Keeps Time – Helen Ruggieri
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 80 pages 2015, ISBN: 978-1-936419-55-5 $15.95 + S&H   Note: You don’t have to have a PayPal account in order to use the PayPal button, just a credit card. The Kingdom Where No One Keeps Time is also available on Kindle This book is about loss – parents, lovers, friends, pets, all…

A busy weekend for Mayapple Press authors…
This weekend is one of the busiest for the press in a long time. Mayapple Press authors will participate in several events over Friday, Saturday and Sunday…. Friday, July 24, at 7:30 p.m (Eastern), Participants in the Woodstock Mayapple Writers’ Retreat read. At the Villetta Inn, 3 Upper Byrdcliffe Way, Woodstock (next to Byrdcliffe Theater).…

Leavened – Doris Ferleger
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 64 pages 2015, ISBN: 978-1-936419-47-0 $15.95 + S&H Note: You don’t have to have a PayPal account in order to use the PayPal button, just a credit card. Come to the first supper in America with Momma and Poppa, two surviving aunts and two surviving uncles who speak in flawed English,…