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Encounting Dulce Maria Loynaz
The Cultural Project "En el Jardín", directed by Lic. Marcelo Fajardo Cárdenas, organizes biennial colloquia on the life and work of Dulce María Loynaz in cooperation with the Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística in Havana. Sr. Fajardo can be contacted at marcelfk@yahoo.com
About Judith Kerman
Abut Shaun Bangert
About Hammer

The Fundación Hermanos Loynaz and its publication arm, Ediciones Loynaz, located in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, publish books, offer prizes and sponsor biennual conferences on the life and work of Dulce María and her two brothers and sister.

The Virtual Cervantes website in Spain features sections on all winners of the Cervantes Prize, which Loynaz won in 1992. Their section on the work of Dulce María Loynaz is at http://cervantesvirtual.com/bib_autor/Loynaz/

El Poder de la Palabra (The Power of the Word) is a site dedicated to literature in Spanish. Their page about Dulce María Loynaz is at http://www.epdlp.com/loynaz.html

David Frye is also a translator of Loynaz's work. His website features biographical material and his translation of sections from her novel Jardín at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dfrye/dulce-cv.htm.

Ruth Behar, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is a major proponent, interpreter and translator of the work of Dulce María Loynaz, including poetry of her own written in response to Loynaz's life and work. Her website at http://ruthbehar.com includes images of her one-of-a-kind and limited-edition books created and published by Ediciones Vigía of Matanzas, Cuba. Discussion of Dulce María Loynaz can also be found in Behar's book, Bridges to Cuba/Puentes a Cuba (University of Michigan Press, 1995); details on her website.

The website of the poet Nancy Morejón can be visited at http://www.cubaliteraria.com/autor/nancy_morejon/index.htm

The website of Vicente González Castro, producer of the video "Una mujer que no ya existe," can be visited at http://www.vicentegcastro.cult.cu/.

The website of Casa de las Americas in Havana, a comprehensive site for information about Cuban culture, can be visited at http://www.casa.cult.cu/.

Judith Kerman's book of translations of Dulce María Loynaz's poems is Dulce María Loynaz: A Woman In Her Garden (Selected Poems), edited and translated by Judith Kerman; introduction by Ruth Behar.
Secret Weavers Series Volume 16
ISBN 1-893996-55-7. 176 pages. $16.00 paperback.
Available from White Pine Press.

Judith Kerman's translation of Carta de Amor al Rey Tut-Ahk-Amen (Love Letter to King Tutankhamen) is also available in a special limited edition of 250, hand-sewn, signed and numbered by the translator.
Published by CCLEH/Santo Domingo.
ISBN 0-932412-24-6. 28 pages. $10.00 paperback.
vailable in the United States from Mayapple Press.