
A Wolf Comes to My Window – David Michael Nixon

A Wolf Comes to My Window – David Michael Nixon

Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 40 pages
2024, ISBN: 978-1-952781-22-3 $18.95 $15.16 + S&H <<< SPECIAL ADVANCE ORDER DISCOUNT

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For over sixty years, David Michael Nixon has worked and played at poetry. He has had six collections published, four small, two full-length. David’s work has been mostly as a self-employed housecleaner, yardworker, artists’ model, poet, and singer. By reading and hearing many poets, writing and performing his own poems, and being part of poetry, music, and peace communities, he has developed his art. A Wolf Comes to My Window collects some of his tiny poems, each three lines or less. A rabid badger, black castanets, the aardvark dark, when dandelions roar–see how these poems become small worlds.

Praise for David Michael Nixon’s work:
How short can a poem be and still be powerful? Very short. How sharp can a poem be? Very sharp—sharp as a badger’s bite. How much grief can a short poem hold? A lot. In this small book of short poems, David Michael Nixon is out at the limits, out beyond belief and doubt. — Howard Nelson, author of That Was Really Something

Elements of dark hunger and containment wend their way through this collection of terse verse: from Jonah in the whale to ants in the aardvark. The voice of these poems is that of one seeking, one who wishes to be found yet remains in some ways lost. The tone, however, moves from the obscurity of doubt to an almost certain clarity. Could there be optimism in a rabid badger? Yes, in the world of Nixon’s A Wolf Comes to My Window, optimism peeks in and simultaneously sees outward to that “one bright star.” — Claudia M. Stanek, author of Language You Refuse to Learn

Remembering Barbara

Somewhere between silence
and silence, a voice sings
a quiet song that shatters us.

David Michael Nixon
David Michael Nixon is a New York State native. He was born in Batavia and grew up mostly in Lockport. After interludes elsewhere, he now lives in Rochester. His poems have appeared in many periodicals and some anthologies. He has had four poetry chapbooks and two full-length poetry books published. David has read his poems and sung a cappella folk songs for radio, TV, and live audiences. He and his late wife Barbara performed together for many years. He is a member of the Imperfect Poets Club, Just Poets, The Golden Link Folk Singing Society, Metro Justice, and the War Resisters League. Dave is also an ancient basketball player.