Special pre-publication price: $16.76 + S&H - -
"How Many Hands to Home" is a journey of compassion, traveling through fire, war and displacement to arrive at a place of acceptance and embrace of the expansive human spirit. The many voices of the poems engage with both individual and shared experience, exploring the two sides—the challenges and the sweetness—of forging home in our communities and on our planet. Though the poems engage head-on with the various ways in which humanity fails its promise, their movement is towards love—not blind or saccharine, but knowing and inclusive.…
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 40 pages - 2024, ISBN: 978-1-952781-22-3 - $ 18.95+ S&H
- For over sixty years, David Michael Nixon has worked and played at poetry. He has had six collections published, four small, two full-length. David's work has been mostly as a self-employed housecleaner, yardworker, artists' model, poet, and singer. By reading and hearing many poets, writing and performing his own poems, and being part of poetry, music, and peace communities, he has developed his art. "A Wolf Comes to My Window" collects some of his tiny poems, each three lines or less. A rabid badger, black castanets, the aardvark dark, when dandelions roar--see how these poems become small worlds.…