Ellen Stone – Everybody Wants to Keep the Moon Inside Them
Poetry. Paper, Perfect Bound. 88 pages - 2025 - SPECIAL ADVANCE ORDER PRICE: $17.56 + S&H -- -- Poetry gathers our lives, containing everything we hold inside. If poetry is a container, a place to gather what keeps us alive, what feeds our joy, and eases our sorrow, it is a communal basket, and it is often held by women. "Everybody Wants to Keep the Moon Inside Them" is a collection of poems exploring what women hold, what they keep, and how they let go— of sorrow, loss and grief. Using the natural world as buffer, Ellen Stone writes poems exploring motherhood and mental illness, sexual assault, marriage and parenthood—as well as how loss filters down through family generations. The poems investigate daughters leaving home while trying to carry home within them. The moon is the mother in the book, waxing and waning, but always there, always coming back around. …

How Many Hands to Home – Lisken Van Pelt Dus
"How Many Hands to Home" is a journey of compassion, traveling through fire, war and displacement to arrive at a place of acceptance and embrace of the expansive human spirit. The many voices of the poems engage with both individual and shared experience, exploring the two sides—the challenges and the sweetness—of forging home in our communities and on our planet. Though the poems engage head-on with the various ways in which humanity fails its promise, their movement is towards love—not blind or saccharine, but knowing and inclusive.…