Women Longing to Fly – Sara Kay Rupnik
Prose. Paper, Perfect Bound. 106 pages 2015, ISBN: 978-1-936419-50-0 $15.95 & S+H   Note: You don’t have to have a PayPal account in order to use the PayPal button, just a credit card. Women Longing to Fly is also available on Kindle From Lila, who buys a handgun to ease her broken heart, to Maura, who…

Fever – John Repp
Poetry. Paper, perfect bound, 36 pp. $11.95 plus s&h 2007, ISBN 0-932412-52-1 ISBN+13 978-0932412-522 The poems in Fever sweat through the discontents of a love affair, a childhood, a marriage, a malfunctioning farm, the speaker’s aging father and his own illness. Dream and the gritty details of life flow together in the hallucinatory and yet…

White Doe – John Repp
Paper, perfect bound, 40 pp $8.50 plus s&h 2004, ISBN 0-932412-27-0 In these musical poems, John Repp’s Zen eye and moral sensibility transform the landscape of American home places and human relationships. White Doe by John Repp Sleet driving down, the white doe browses in my rented field. I take a step & she bolts…