What: Rhoda Stamell, author of “Detroit Stories” and “The Art of Ruin”, will read from her work, old and new, at the next “Detroit Tonight Live” event, presented by M.L. Liebler.
When: Thursday February 20th, 7:00pm
Where: The Jazz Cafe at The Music Hall 350 Madison Detroit, MI 48226 Map
Venue Telephone: (313) 887-8532
Venue Email: info@musichall.org
February 20, Thursday 7-9:00pm
M. L. Liebler Presents Detroit Tonight Live at The Jazz Cafe at The Music Hall
with Special Guests:
Musical act Tracy Kash Thomas
Metro Detroit Writer and Teacher Desiree Cooper
Rock Writer and Fiction Writer Brian Smith
Fiction writer of the Detroit experience Rhoda Stamell
The return of the Great Italian Poet Maria A. Costantini
Detroit Poet Michael Lauchlan
Irish Folkie John Freeman
Detroit Working Writer Michelle Morouse.
Plenty of Close, Inexpensive Parking
Free Admission and Open to All Ages
The Music Hall located at 350 Madison across from The Gem Theater, Ford Field & Comerica Park
Close, safe, lighted parking