Greenhouse: The First 5 Years of the Rustbelt Roethke Writers’ Workshop – Judith Kerman & Amee Schmidt, eds.
Poetry. Paper, perfect bound, 78 pp. $14.95 plus s&h 2008, ISBN 978-0932412-683 Greenhouse: The First 5 Years of the Rustbelt Roethke Writers’ Workshop Edited by Judith Kerman & Amee Schmidt The Rustbelt Roethke Writers’ Workshop/Retreat was inspired by the work and life of Pulitzer-Prize-winning poet Theodore Roethke (1908-1963), who was born and brought up in…

Coming Clean – Adrienne Lewis
Paper, perfect bound, 30 pp $8.00 plus s&h 2003, ISBN 0-932412-21-1 The poem as a form of prayer is one of poetry’s earliest traditions. In the lyric poems of this strong first book, Adrienne Lewis explores the nexus of faith and sexuality as experienced in the dilemmas of marriage and family life. Repose by Adrienne…