
I Would Stay Forever If I Could and New Poems – Larry Levy

I Would Stay Forever If I Could and New Poems – Larry Levy

I Would Stay Forever If I Could and New Poems - Larry Levy

Paper, saddlestitched, 60 pp
$12.95 plus s&h
2007, ISBN 0-932412-45–9

This expanded edition replaces the original chapbook, which is out of print.

Little League
by Larry Levy

The fathers always called us “men,”
and drilled by growling “hey” and “hup”
and, for any hurt, shrugged “rub it up.”
After pre-game prayer, I prayed again
for dark or fire or ice, amen.
Fingering the scripture on my chest,
I dreamt I was home already, undressed
for dreams of stroking a home run;
then angled my brim, blocking the sun,
and threw the ball past everyone.

I came to bat with three men on.
The coach said, “Mister, bring ’em in
or don’t come back.” I see him still,
but no pitch looked fat, or ever will.

Larry Levy teaches English at Delta College in Central Michigan. He has run marathons, coached student soccer and basketball, directed and performed in plays, and been twice elected to public office.