Poetry. Paper, saddlestitched, 28 pp. $5.50 plus s&h 1998, ISBN-0-932412-12-2 “The poetry of Hugh Fox suggests a sort of mythical exploration of experience, how a particular moment can serve as a coming together of the eternal — cross cultural and cross experiential…” — Mahlon Coop The Angel of Death Flies By — This Time (part…
Paper, saddlestitched, 36 pp $6.50 plus s&h 1998, ISBN 0-932412-13-0 Skip Renker’s poems are grounded, quiet and elegant, reflecting the thoughtful, humorous and meditative style of the man himself. Fierce Talisman by Skip Renker Sooner or later you will need me. You’ll be lost. Unfamiliar trees, thick waxy leaves, a sound like crying when the…
Poetry. Paper, saddlestitched, 28 pp $6 plus s&h 1997, ISBN-0-932412-11-4 These poems, as with any real poetry, make us see in new and deeper ways. Most of the works involve common feelings or occurances that we do not normally deem significant or beautiful. John’s elegant use of words brings out that beauty (not always a…
Paper, saddlestitched, 24 pp $6 plus s&h 1996, ISBN-0-932412-09-2 Forty-Five by Kip Zegers As I walk home from the school yard where others attacking baskets were twelve years old, it is a robin-anointed evening, lingering light on dinnertime streets, flittings in still naked trees. Days ago I’d heard only starlings, jays with rediscovered voices, just…
Paper, saddlestitched, 28 pp $6 plus s&h 1996, ISBN-0-932412-10-6 “This poetry full of living detail, and within the detail is an ongoing motif of adventure, risk and survival. McCombs is a pleasure for me to read.” –Alicia Ostriker Pictures Not in Our Albums by Judith McCombs Somewhere it is still a dream of safety, our…
Paper, saddlestitched, 24 pp $5 plus s&h 1995, ISBN 0-932412-07-8 Science fiction poems which are truly science fiction and truly fine contemporary poetry, “written” by an inhabitant of the demimonde of a space station. Includes Rhysling-award winner “Pilot, Pilot.” Pilot, Pilot by David Lunde Your eyes were mirrors then, silver as pressure domes, your head…
Poetry. Paper, saddlestitched, 24 pp 1995, ISBN 0-932412-08-4 These are edgy, raunchy, funny and powerful poems. a vision of corrected history with breakfast by Al Hellus the days’ casting call includes newsbites on the radio that could have happened anywhere between the last fifty years and breakfast, which is a plate of poached headlines &…
Bilingual (Spanish/English) Paper, saddlestitched, 52 pp $8.50 plus s&h 2004, ISBN 0-932412-23-8 A bilingual collection translated from the original Spanish by the author. This is the first title in our new Mamey Editions project, focused on bilingual publications and Caribbean literature. Judith Kerman comments: “The poet’s voice explores the distances of desire with a quiet…